Friday, February 20, 2009

Link Friday - Why we play, math minds, and banking humorless

There are some good links out there:

  • [Featured Blog] check out Lion-Shark: An Ultimate Blog.
  • [Featured Tournament] is adding results to tournaments (for example Disco Inferno). I'm hoping to see some integration with the score reporter, which is my preferred scoring database.
  • Excellent article on some thoughts on why we play Ultimate.
  • For those of you who've never understood implies well (one of those things that I never really got), take a look at this great book on "how to think like a mathematician". I don't know if this pdf will be around forever.
  • Finally, some humor that sadly is funny...



Unknown said...

Actually comments are around for quite a while on, but certainly not (yet) the key feature. This might change as the site grows older and older, gathering more and more results.

Regarding score reporter, I just know it by name, but would surely be interested in a cooperation somehow. Any idea who's running that, how it works (who's feeding it), etc?

Keep on posting,