Thursday, May 29, 2008

Poll Thursday - Vitamin I ... how much

Last weeks poll showed that most of you are really excited about the new season. We shouldn't be shocked, since the poll base is reading an Ultimate blog. Still, it's good to see a large majority are ready to hit the fields in full stride.

This week I'm wondering about drug use on the field. Specifically, how much ibuprofen do you take while at a tournament. We'll assume that the basic unit is 200mg (poll right). Also, to accompany the drug usage stats, I'll have an age distribution poll too (2nd poll right).



akb said...

How come 0 isn't an option?

Peter Andrew Jamieson said...

Good point. Unfortunately, I can't change the poll now.


Unknown said...

This poll could use some clarification... I take 4 200 mg pills every 6 hours, (I've been told by a doc that 10mg ibu per kg of person is a normal and acceptable dosage) which usually makes 8 in a day, and 16 in a 2-day tournament. So are you looking for 4, 8 or 16 as your answer?

Kirk and Kris in Israel said...

dear lord ... whomever is taking >19 should have a fresh liver in a cooler next to the field ...

Mike said...

If you have any athletics-related surgery, there is a good chance you'll get a prescription for 800mg IBU to be taken 3 times daily for several days or even a week. Ask some people who have had their ACL repaired. That's equivalent to 12 tablets daily ... for up to a week! Different orthopedic doctors have told me that those several days is definitely Not long enough of a time to worry about (liver or other side-effects), even with that dosage.
My guess is that you really aren't supposed to drink while you are taking those. You should have another poll asking whether people consume alcohol while taking the IBUs...

The Cruise said...

you should be able to play through any pain without help.

higy said...

Only time I ever played while drugged up is when I ripped the fingernail off my middle finger throwing hand.

beatty said...

"off me middle finger ..."

what drugs did you take?

JdR said...