Friday, June 06, 2008

Link Friday - CUPAs future,

Links this week:

  • Another initiative at providing us with useful articles - The Huddle. I'm impressed with the number of new Ultimate related media that has come out this year.
  • More Ultimate how to. I saw this collection of how to catch and throw a disc. These are mostly throws meant for freestyle. It would make sense if we had more demo based film footage for Ultimate. I know Dan Cogan-Drew has made some major steps here, but I think there is a big market along the lines of the basketball instructional videos I bought as a kid.
  • What will happen to Canadian Ultimate if Canadians ever get shut out of the UPA (shown to me from my friend Kirk)...and these guys are bad skaters.
  • This link was sent to me by Marc Hodges. It discusses some thoughts on sports nutrition along lines of my latest beliefs - just eat good foods.
  • A 5 minute video on story telling that I think applies to Ultimate among most other things we do. How? Well I like Glass's concept of taste. It is something you have or your coach has (a goal and a judgement criteria). Then you need to understand that it takes work to get better also noting that results will not be instant.
I'm off to Brighton this weekend for Mixed Tour 1. Gender Blender is happening in Fergus Ontario, and Cazenovia near Syracuse will see some of the North East titans clash for the first time this year. In the west Flowerbowl will see the UK ladies, some Canadian Juniors, and some team Canada tryouts and games. Should be a good weekend of Ultimate.