Thursday, September 07, 2006

Poll - Practice Opinions

Hey Folks,

It's poll Thursday. This is an opportunity to ask the opinion of all of us on some Ultimate topics. Todays polls are meant to address practice logistics.

The three questions are:

  1. Practice frequency
  2. Practice length
  3. Practice time
Currently, the trends in Toronto are for touring teams to practice two days a week from 6:30 PM until 8:30+, and Torontula practices every morning from 7 AM until 9 AM. This doesn't mean these are the best choices, so let's open the polls.

Create polls and vote for free.

Create polls and vote for free.

Create polls and vote for free.



Anonymous said...

in every instance here, you're really pushing against not what people are capable/incapable of doing, but what they are used to...

1 - time) getting people to morning practices (for people who work) could be very difficult. in order to get people to where they're going on time, practice would have to end at 8am, latest. probably 7:30 or even 7am. however, this makes things easier for those with busier schedules, especially if...

2 - #) you have more than 2 practices a week. Four sounds like a good round number, with 2 field practices and 2 track/gym workouts. Maybe 1/2 or 0/3 field/gym workouts during the offseason. "*Gasp*, the offseason?!?"

Since you're supposed to be exercising on your own anyway, why not make sure people are doing it, have fun and do it with the team?

3 - time) field practices are longer -- 2 to 2.5 hrs. off field are shorter. 1 to 1.5 hrs.

Anonymous said...

poll question for next thursday -- cultimate opinion moves from a 1-a-day schedule to a every-other-day or 3-a-week schedule in order to stimulate more discussion?