Tuesday, January 06, 2009

My New Year's Goals

Happy New year and hope everything went well over the holidays for you all. I was back in Canada and the United States over the last two weeks. Without my laptop power code, I couldn't post any items, but it was a nice break.

Bye bye to 2008 and on to 2009.

First off som enews, the Google ads revenue passed $100 as I expected. This means the TCO logo contest will continue until Feb 5th, 2009. I'm not expecting many submissions (if any), so your best crayon drawing scanned in could win a jersey, though it has to beat mine. If nobody submits any logos, then I'll run another contest.

As for my New Year's goals, I thought I would share my plans. As a note to all you goal setters out there, telling people about your goals is one of the best ways to help keep them. For some reason, when people know you're doing something you feel like you have to complete it or appear a failure to these people.

I have two particular resolutions/goals this year. They are:
  1. No alcoholic consumption in January and February (I do this almost every year) with the hope of getting my weight down to 185 lbs. This is the weight I feel I should be playing Ultimate at. I will continue to consume no alcohol until I reach the 185 lbs. weight.
  2. At tournaments this year, I will go to bed early and party less with the exception of Paganello (and other party tournaments). However, at Paganello I don't plan on pulling another all-nighter, and will keep my nights to a 3:00 am curfew.
Both of these goals are Ultimate related, and I hope to be in top condition for 2009. Now that it's 2009 I will start to play Ultimate again, but I'm going to take my recovery slow.

If you need a place to state your goals for 2009, feel free to use the comment section. At least you know that about a thousand people will see your resolution.