Friday, May 22, 2009

Link Friday - Wolframing Ultimate, Green Project, Casseroles, and Albert with Marilyn

Here's a great set of links:

  • [New Blog] "The Eternal Battle of Love and Hate" covers womens division Ultimate. There's a great preview on the College division, and they're looking for contributors if you're up for writing Ultimate.
  • Link to the new math based search, Wolfram, with a preset search for my blog. Unfortunately, today it doesn't seem to show the stats it did earlier (2,000,000th blog...woo hoo). Here's some stats on and The Huddle through the same engine.
  • Based on a talk by Al Gore, I found this green project. Personally, I can't wait to own a house so I can kit it up to collect solar energy.
  • This post teaches you how to make a generic casserole. This is a great option for the busy Ultimate player who needs to eat.
  • One more fun optical illusion - Albert Einstein mixed with Marilyn Monroe is a wild illusion.