Wednesday, July 30, 2008

World champions base on my "useless" statistics

Just for some more world fun I thought I would show you how people will place in worlds based on active readers of my blog. I use a statistical program called Google Analytics to track who visits the blog. This allows me to see where people are visiting the blog.

Pictured Above: A break by Team Canada's Andy in our scrimmage against Blackfish.

Before we all start commenting that this is an unfair view based on English speaking countries, the uselessness of information on my blog, population, internet availability, or the relevance of a smart player vs. an athletic player, understand that this is a meaningless analysis, but fun nonetheless.

So, based on the visitors to the Cultimate Opinion over Jun 28th to July 28th, 2008, the world teams will finish in the following order:
  1. USA
  2. Canada
  3. UK
  4. Australia
  5. Finland
  6. Singapore
  7. Hong Kong
  8. France
  9. Belgium
  10. Italy
If, instead, we base the ranking for the viewers over the last year (July to July), the order slightly changes and we get the following ranking:
  1. USA
  2. Canada
  3. UK
  4. Australia
  5. France
  6. Finland
  7. Germany
  8. Philippines
  9. Hong Kong
  10. New Zealand
Well, that was fun. Still meaningless, but once again USA has got the advantage coming in.